
The IAPR GodIn PrIze for the ScIentIfIc Study of RelIgIon

The Godin Price is a scientific prize to be awarded to senior scholars (mid-life award) for their excellence in the scientific study of the psychology of religion. The Godin price will be given every second IAPR conference, that is to say, once every 4 years. The prize winner is honoured by a finanical reward of 1000 euros, substantial praise, and the invitation to present a keynote lecture at the conference.

The origin of the Godin Prize is that it was a gift by Gregory Zilboorg to André Godin who was professor of psychology of religion at the Lumen Vitae Institute in Brussels, on March 15, 1956 in order to develop studies in the psychology of religion. The name of the prize at that time was the Quinquennial Prize for the Scientific Psychology of Religion. After the death of André Godin, on the 2nd of June 1997, the committee decided to change the name of the prize to the Godin Prize in honour of the original recipient. André Godin, as a trained practitioner in psychoanalysis, identified with the fields that became known as Pastoral Counselling and Pastoral care. On account of his interest in Clinical Psychology he was actively engaged in the field of the Psychology of Religion, which he wished to see develop as a scientific discipline in its own right.

As mid-life award the Godin Prize is aimed at senior scholars. Eligible candidates for the Godin Prize are midlife researchers, who conduct excellent research (as reflected in publications) in the field of the Psychology of Religion.

The IAPR GodIn PrIze 2023
Jury:Jessie Dezutter , Kate Loewenthal, Adam B. Cohen, Valerie DeMarinis.
The IAPR Godin PrIze 2017
The IAPR Godin PrIze 2013
The IAPR Godin PrIze 2009
The IAPR Godin PrIze 2006
The IAPR Godin PrIze 1998
The IAPR Godin PrIze 1991
The IAPR Godin PrIze 1986
L. RullaFr. Imoda and J. Ridick
The IAPR Godin PrIze 1976
J.M. Jaspard and A. Dumoulin
The IAPR Godin PrIze 1971
The IAPR Godin PrIze 1967
Early Career Award 2023
Early Career Award 2023
Early Career Award 2019
Early Career Award 2017
Early Career Award 2015
Early Career Award 2012
Early Career Award 2011

The IAPR Early Career Award

The Early Career Award is intended to reward promising junior researchers in the field of the Psychology of Religion. It is awarded once every two years at the IAPR conference, for outstanding quality of research. Eligible for the Early Career Award are young scholars at the postdoctoral or early career academic level (No more than 5 years after having been awarded their Ph.D.). Excellence in the quality of research (as reflected in publications) in the field of the Psychology of Religion is required.